
I think that's my only problem with's too perfect some times. I do really enjoy that all A.I. is either slightly insane or sarcastic as fuck.

Cool, I'm halfway done Weapons's my second Culture book. It's an odd universe he's created.

You mean a Rod Stewart cover isn't your favorite Star Trek theme? What's the matter with you? /sarcasm

I haven't watched in years, but if this doesn't end with Clark in red cape and blue spandex I'm lighting some shit on fire. #capetease

If you take into consideration all the Robot Chicken specials and include them in official canon (which I have's the only way to keep my knowledge of the prequels from seeping back in.) then Boba becomes a much better character than the 'badass' who keeps getting his ass handed to him in the movies.

Would you have appreciated a Pete Hammond-esque review?

As someone who's been to a game in Vancouver, I'm dreading a Canuck cup win. Those fans have been insufferable douche-canoes already without a championship. A cup would send it over the edge. I asked a door guy at a Burnaby street bar what would happen if someone wanted to wear an opposing jersey. He said he wouldn't

Yeah I punched out at that point.

Yeah I punched out at that point.

Clearly you didn't see the one where Denise Richards played a nuclear physicist?

This show is totally fucking metal. I enjoyed squee'ing in delight the phrase 'ohhhh...Dire wolf to the face!' when Bran's wolf went to town on the assassin.

I'm a man of wide contrasts.

Oh, fucking relax and enjoy it. Maybe they didn't feel the trailer was an appropriate place to deal with the scientific ramifications of a second Earth?

Metric ruler of GTFO.

I was tired of poorly done Luthor (all props to Gene Hackman being a great actor) with all his shitty real estate schemes. WB Cartoons Luthor was cool. He should be in the background being all sinister and plotting and making a bunch of other super powered people do his bidding and fight Superman.

I give your comment 3 and a half dismissive hand wanks out of 5.

Love your work.

Good points. Oh Quantum Mechanics you cruel bitch.

Sounds like barely though.

Yeah but in the new reality they don't know about this new body cause he never died and became a candidate for Cole to inhabit. The only real dilemma Cole should worry about is that he's basically traded the hosts life for his own in the new reality. Kinda murder isn't it?