
Again I ask...I have never seen a cop that fat. There are fitness requirements are there not? How the fuck is that even possible?

Great maybe everyone can get off his ass now and let him work.

@Bloodoflamb: If they can make that fly...even better.

@Smeagol92055: I'd listen to him read a take out menu.

@Edie Spencer: Oh yeah it is. There's a great level of practice to get that kind of control over it and he makes look so easy.

As an aspiring voice guy...I would murder for a read like this.

@blackswordca: They didn't even have Canada as a country to sign up for.

@Go Like Hell Machine: Yeah that was just the thing. That movie was just such a god damn mess.

@galanix: I agree with most of this. I actually thought out of the entire train wreck that was Spider Man 3, Topher Grace wasn't the worst part of it. At least he didn't have any dance scenes.

@grimjack28: Well with the contents separate from the water, fresh water wouldn't necessarily be needed.

Ha...embiggen. It's a perfectly cromulent word.

I read in Empire this summer that they even went as far as tuning the frequency of the light cycles engines to match the Daft Punks score.

@btgoss: Aww...are they doing a two part DVD for season 4? That's dumb, not for 16 episodes.

@Novaload: I enjoy the Harry Potter series. Not the for wizards and all that shit, but the fifth and sixth books are fucking murder weapons.

The theme song to Enterprise CAN go fuck itself. Win.

@Novaload: Agreed, turn your shit off for 20 minutes. I always bring a...oh what are they called again? A book. Yeah that's the ticket. So I read this bunch of paper. It's binded together. It's not backlit so it's a real pain sometimes. But it gets me through.

In this half of the season it seems like they're using each episode to highlight a character and really fill them out. It's great.

@Gïmmï Mørgäikköŋëŋ: Can we have a moment of silence for the 50+ starships that were destroyed on that fateful day.