Dr Nick Riviera

It seems funny, but I recall seeing some studies back during the late-90s "rise" of NASCAR which indicated that NASCAR fans were the most brand-loyal of any sponsorship-funded sport. For example, on average the fans of Darrel Waltrip really did prefer Tide by a measurably higher rate than the general population, so

Definitely GoalieMonkey...

Good to see that Canucks fans are still holding on to that "our skilled team unfairly lost to a bunch of goons" crutch, it has been a few years but Jim Hughson still goes on Sirius Home Ice to rattle on about that from time to time. News flash: no one has successfully punched their way to a Stanley Cup since the

The only thing that pictures of barely dressed women would make me more likely to buy would be porn, since that's actually related to the barely dressed women. Cars, clothes, gym memberships, shampoo, teapots, etc? Meh. Kate Upton leaning on a '93 Pontiac Grand-Am is still just a '93 Pontiac Grand-Am, and all the

I don't know that I'd go so far as to say it's "fucking insane", life is filled with gaps between the de facto rules and the de jure rules. It's no different than speeding on the interstate, for example. Everybody knows the the speed limit is 65 mph, and that technically speaking going 66 mph is breaking the law and

Quite true. But you only have to read the comments section on articles for about three minutes before you run into tinfoil-hat types who swear that Boston gets all the calls because Gregory Campbell's father is Colin Campbell and he pulls all the strings via his connections with the Pentaverate (the Queen, the

And to think that so many old-timey purists complained that instant replay would take the "human element" out of the game and leave us with no egregious umpiring errors to complain about. Hah!

Regardless of the relative merits of the car (feel free to debate the pros and cons), I can't recall many other cars that so rapidly went from "wildly hyped hot new thing that everyone is talking about" to "immovable dead weight on the dealer lot that no one will buy". It was Car of the Year, it was the Neiman Marcus

Bruins vs Leafs 2013, game 7 OT. Regardless of one's rooting interest in the outcome, few pictures capture the emotion of an OT playoff game-winner so well...

You know, I've always had a somewhat heretical (in certain circles) view that Shelby was kind of like George Lucas: Do one great thing and then spend the next several decades milking it for all it's worth. That's a gross oversimplification of course (both Shelby and Lucas did a few things, not just literally one

Oh, a thousand pardons, my mistake, I was unaware that it was the great and powerful Oz of all things hockey that I was addressing. Clearly I must prostrate myself to your amazing intellect and acumen.

If my 1:18 scale collection is any indicator, then yes, I certainly would own multiples. Actually, I already do in the real world (1:1 scale, so to speak), '69 MGB-GT and '77 MGB. But psychologically I don't really count it as owning two, since the '77 is a well-restored, well-loved, well-used driver, whereas the '69

Yup, knives probably would become the 89.5%. Which is totally irrelevant, actually. Knives may become the #1 weapon of choice by default, but the total number would also drop precipitously. As you say yourself, guns are quicker and less messy. People like quick and less messy. Doesn't matter if you're talking about

No, not 100%. Merely 89.5% (per data from a study of method used in murder-suicides in the U.S. during 2011). 89.5% being, you know, 9 of every 10. Previous studies of murder-suicide methodology over the years have also come back with similar numbers. But yeah, can't argue with you there, it's not 100%. Just a huge

I dare say you'll have to get used to LEDs. Above and beyond any "let's make it look classy!" copy-cat trends, the incandescent bulb is well on its way down the path of the dodo, LEDs are becoming the standard for reasons beyond trendiness.

Thanks for setting us straight on that. I will change now change my opinions to correspond with yours.

Yeah! And you wouldn't expect someone not to try to bunt for a hit to break up a no-hitter! And you wouldn't expect anyone to get upset if a team tries stealing bases while up by 10 runs. Nor would you expect any kerfuffle from stealing signs... Yeah. Anyhow, when you find a sport with no unwritten rules, by all means

Indeed. I know there's a lot of love for Varsha among U.S. F1 viewers, but I've never really understood it, I actually looked forward to the races where he'd be off at Barrett-Jackson and unavailable for F1. I've never been able shake the feeling that he's the lightweight in that commentary trio, that Matchett and

Agreed. My primary recollection of Peter Windsor is him doing the post-race press conferences where it always seemed like he had his lips locked around Schumacher's gearshift lever, so to speak...