
You dismissed me the other day just for disagreeing with you and I doubt I’ve been the only one. If your dismissal evangelism started as a way to shut down bigots because the mods won’t, you’ve since applied it to anyone not toeing the party line as well.

Chick Fil-A did not infringe any rights of any people. Why the fuck do people keep saying that?

I don’t see how random people cancelling their Netflix subscription has any major affect on society. You know what does? Race baiting and getting people to fight among themselves based on superficial issues when we should be working towards uniting human beings for the betterment of society. If you really think this

Yay more one sided propaganda from Kotaku

My co-workers and me LOVE reading the Concourse every day to see what the latest Liberal outrage and tantrum is and have a good laugh over coffee. Its refreshing to see the absolute unhinging of an entire party over one man. So they can keep coming here and other places to whine, bitch and just show the rest of the

What happened to indulging in our love of cars specifically to get away from the real world for a minute?

lol . Yea because those petitions are so successful and all.

Car related post:
I’ve always been fascinated by the first gen Honda Insight.

You’re right. But the gawker drones have to convince themselves that they’re doing something by putting their fingers in their ears and chanting repeatedly

I miss the old jalopnik.

Ok, so what do you suggest we do? Allow China to continue its expansion into the S. China Sea, build up military bases on these islands, asert it’s dominance in the area completely, control trade, and then let them fuck us for the next 100 years because we want everyone to play nice?

What? This is exactly the opposite of what is happening. The sanctions were the thing racheting up tensions and forcing the Russian government to double down. Do you think that governments to military actions when their economy is doing great and their citizens are satisfied? This is a completely ridiculous take.

Why do we care if people buckle up? Motor cycle helmet? Optional. Seat belt and airbag? Mandatory. Makes sense...

Forza Horizon 3 has grinding? Where?

Horizon 3? Dude, that game is super easy to money in.

Sounds so to me like he’s hitting it when he either gets in or out. Sure it’s a poor design, but it’s something he should have noticed when he first sat in the car.

If he was made aware of that when he was buying, we would see another article where “he was refused to be sold a vehicle, insulted, and called “large” for being, well, large. Joey needs to loose weight. General population acceptance is not an excuse to turn yourself into a huge person. Let’s address the elephant in

I have an Uncle who is on the large size. He had a Jeep Grand Cherokee (about a ‘99, if I remember) that had a seat track break. At first, they tried saying it was due to his weight. It took the threat of a lawsuit to get them to fix it. The lawyer was willing to do it pro bono just on principle and they decided it

At some point, you have to accept that you are using the vehicle out of its design spec and it’s not really a warranty issue. They can keep fixing it over and over, but the part simply isn’t designed to bear that amount of weight. Four men of his size would exceed the rated maximum load for the car by an appreciable