Track: Days Gone | Artist: Tor | Album: Blue Book
Track: Days Gone | Artist: Tor | Album: Blue Book
Liberal hypocrite gives no shits about minorities. No one gives a shit if you move out of the country when Trump becomes President either.
VICTIM BLAMING!!! A woman should be able to walk around naked, wearing only diamonds, and not be raped or robbed. This is 2016, ffs.
How very Trumpish of you. You don’t like it here? Don’t voice your dissent in a respectful way. Go elsewhere.
This entire site has plummeted directly down the shitter. Hell, we all knew Gawker was complete shit, but after Denton got fucked by Hogan it’s just gotten even worse. Now this bullshit floods over to Jalopnik constantly. It’s bad enough I’m trying to check out any tech news or video game news and see the bullshit.
I don’t come to Jalopnik for political spin. I come for cars. Drop the smug commentary and just focus on reporting. Gawker lost a lot of readership because of that, and if you guys don’t want to give your readers what they want then I have no problem setting as my homepage and never coming back here.
lol, all Jalopnik needs to do now is write how “muscular” Hillary is.
Do you know what helps end civil wars? Peace talks!
She learned this trick from GW Bush
Fun fact: Sex Tape was written by a female screenwriter with contributions from two male screenwriters, neither of whom were Jake Kasdan.
“This movie is nothing but endless questions.”
I’d like to see her stream a play of DOAX. Then people could loose their minds calling the virtual women objectifications, while priasing her for being a feminist role model.
Except she doesnt have that right if the platform she wants to stream on doesn’t allow that.
Reading this, I feel like the only FF he played is FF VII and the only anime he watched are DBZ and gundam wing.
Pfffft. Yeah fucking right. If he had funded a “shitposting mill” that was pro-Hillary, no one would give a shit, and troll-blogs like this one wouldn’t post a single story about it. The specific political persuasion is the problem here.
This is an increasingly weirdass witch hunt we’re on
Oh man, a bunch of D-List game devs, unknowns even in the world of indies, who can use a situation that they aren’t involved in to try to spread their name and cement their status in the indie community as modern day ‘starving artists’. No one honestly cares at all.
Agreed. I can’t wait for io9 to start going back to the science and wonder that drew me here. I can’t wait for paleofuture to dig up the old grandious ideas and snark on them. I can’t wait for gizmodo to go back to the technology, innovation, and gadgets that made it fun. I can’t wait to ....
Calling someone a slimy bigot sure is easier than addressing different ideas, isn’t it?