
Not only that, but i cant foresee us going long without things in literature and history books being banned as it makes people uneasy. A great example is removing huck finn and to kill a mockingbird from school libraries because they have the word nigger.

“What history” is the exact question future generations will be asking when they have nothing to look back on.

he wasnt white tho

They are like 17 and grew up watching the prequels, and thinking they were good films.

Yea forcing a “vanilla ice cream” into an orgy against his wishes to make him bisexual or someshit is totally science.

You cant leave the map on foot unless cops are there.

Some people will be disappointed by the gameplay sure, in the authors case tho she simply didnt play it right.

Oh the game is FULL of fucking issues. Especially on XB1. The issues she described tho, her fault.

She played the game wrong. I wouldnt base your opinion on the game on this article.

Well no one can team up with you if you are in goddamn Skype lol.
Jason cant run thing yea, seems like she didnt play this game at all, and the little she did she played wrong before writing this.

She didnt even use game chat! She totally played this wrong and missed the best parts of this game. How the fuck does one play a HIGHLY co-op game without communication.

The proximity game chat is one of the most useful tools in the game for both the counselors AND Jason

The game is infinitely funner with game chat. Its proximity based, Jason can eavasdrop on people and hear your plans if close enough, and really the only way to coordinate anything and make a proper escape. How the author skipped on probably the most important part of the game and still did this write up is beyond me.

“How to not be clueless about Ramadan”

“Dont ask anyone about Ramadan you might offend them”

What in the actual fuck? If one is curious about Ramadan, they should just ask.
If your belief is that its rude to ask simple questions and its “not appropriate” then why the hell should anyone care about not being clueless

She basically missed half the game by not going into gamechat.

Thats what ruined this game for her. You are supposed to be in game chat which is proximity based. Adds so much more to the game.

He can.

Im sorry but you totally played the game wrong. Once you said you were talking to your boyfriend on Skype i knew it was all downhill from there.

This game is about teamwork with your fellow councelors. The in game proximity chat is one of the biggest parts of this game, something you totally neglected. The whole point

Dont worry soon everything will be illegal and we will all be safe.

This seedbank is pretty new tho. Seems pretty idiotic for them not to foresee this happening sometime in the next thousand years.

Or people, and videogame characters especially should be allowed to wear whatever they want.