
She basically missed half the game by not going into gamechat.

Thats what ruined this game for her. You are supposed to be in game chat which is proximity based. Adds so much more to the game.

He can.

Im sorry but you totally played the game wrong. Once you said you were talking to your boyfriend on Skype i knew it was all downhill from there.

This game is about teamwork with your fellow councelors. The in game proximity chat is one of the biggest parts of this game, something you totally neglected. The whole point

Dont worry soon everything will be illegal and we will all be safe.

Or people, and videogame characters especially should be allowed to wear whatever they want.

That should be every auto manufacturers focus group.

This is why i fear it will suck tho. I have also read hes livid that people think his books are fanfics written after the games. He seems like an angry old man that is going to do everything he can do distance this from the games.

Except the left does the exact same and worse with gun issues.

Seems better than firewatch at least. A good unanswered mystery is better than one which has a half assed resolution.

People just like watching thieves get wrecked.

And id kill for half the patterns available on womens clothes in GTA but not on mens. Or pants that went with the available shirts. GTA needs better clothes in general, this isnt a womans issue, why the fuck even turn it into one?

Yup. Looks like what someone thinks PS1 games looked like rather than a PS1 game. The sprites especially.

Everyones ancestors owned slaves. You think black people didnt have slaves in Africa? They still do.

Too bad people that say idiotic things like that are the first people to cry when their property gets destroyed. If they have any to begin with.

How did they bully him? By not wanting to play with someone they cant communicate with? Not wanting to play with someone isnt bullying.

Was it tho? They clearly had a hard time communicating with him, and it doesnt seem like they insulted or made fun of him in any way.

How are you supposed to get goods you cant produce without capitalistic trades with other countries?

Me and a friend tried roll on painting. You need LOTS of fucking sanding if you dont want it to loo like shit. So much so we just bought a compressor, stripped the paint and just sprayed it.

So your answer is to have the workers be in China?