Where is their money? Where is their representation in government?
Where is their money? Where is their representation in government?
If you can’t see the blatantly obvious differences between a nation of people disenfranchised after sanctions imposed after World War I and these ass hats, I won’t be able to explain it to you in the comment section. Go pick up a book and read it.
And if you just don’t listen to them, how do you hear them?
It’s really hard to get hit by a train if you aren’t standing on the tracks.
Yeah, but these idiots don’t have the power and money of a gigantic, industrial nation backing them.
There is no difference. Antifa and these “Nazis” are cut from the exact same cloth of intolerance. Both should be condemned. Both should be ridiculed. Then both should be ignored.
That’s exactly what they did...to their own race. The ones that they sold as slaves were already slaves. Members of conquered tribes or people that were traded between tribes. Slavery was happening all over the world at that time. Pretending that America is somehow the worst offender is preposterous. There were…
Except actual Nazis had actual power. These boobs have nothing. You are giving them what they want by acknowledging their stupidity.
I am. Condoning violence doesn’t lead to less violence. These aren’t actual Nazis. These are members of the lunatic fringe and we should ignore them. Giving them attention legitimizes their nonsense. Treat them like the temper tantrum-ing 4 years olds that they are and ignore them.
During the slave trade when African tribal leaders sold their enemies to Europeans for rum, gold, jewels and sugar.
“We feel so badly for these Yankees fans.”
I’m sorry, I’m a little confused...Does removing these names change history? Will removing these name make everything “all better,” like you’re a 5 year old with a boo boo? What will this accomplish, exactly, that you feel this is such a pressing issue?
Hyper competitive jerks are the reason you can express you baby soft opinion on this thing called the internet.
I’m with damn near all of these but Kool & The Gang is a great band and weddings are the ultimate celebration.
You are right, physics are physics. The reality is that women cannot accelerate like men, they can’t generate the force that men can, they cannot reach velocities that men reach, etc. That is my point.
Many countries require you to speak their native language in order to maintain a visa. I believe you get 2 years in the Netherlands and if you can’t speak Dutch after that, you are deported.
You clearly aren’t an athlete and you clearly have never played basketball. The women’s game and the men’s game are apples and oranges. They aren’t in the same universe in terms of athleticism.
No, you could not be more wrong. They are completely different games. The women’s game is significantly slower and less explosive. The women use a considerably smaller ball and the 3 point line is closer. The tactics are different, as the WNBA is more of fundamental game that focuses on ball/player movement. The…
What a surprise, my pending comment has been deleted...who would have thought that this crowd would silence any sort of opinion that destroys the victim mentality that permeates this site.
Can you imagine if our Jewsish friends were this petty about “The Man In The High Castle”? It’s a piece of fiction, why are you so offended?