*wipes tear away* bravo
Is it the way sunlight reflects off blue hair?
BMW owner underwater on his car loan
Citation needed
“So fucking what. A replacement caddy is still a caddy.”
listen, they aren’t as good as fast cars.
COUNTERPOINT: If these are the cars people are buying—and they are—they may as well have fun and fast options available. It’s better than being boring!
You don’t even go here.
Might be poisonous as well, but I’m not getting close enough to bite him.
Is he venomous? I assume he’s venomous.
One time I went out for a run in Muir Woods, after a moderate rain, and I hit a puddle that I didn’t really see and ended up twisting my ankle. I had to hobble all the way back to my car. So I know what this guy was going through.
That looks like someone’s dairy driver on their commoot to work.
It’s not meant to be a realistic test, the dummies aren’t holding beers and crowing about how they’d do it differently.
this was just his second time ever playing a Challenger event
I think it’s shameful that this is how we treat a veteran of the War for Independence.
He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.