
You never ever fucking key someone’s car. Da fuq kind of car guy are you? 

The argument I always want to make in response to those who make that statement in earnest is that Hitler lost the War so that’s at least one thing.

I love you for this +1

Can someone tell me what I’m supposed to believe please?

I can’t see that making any real difference in the actual impact between two actual cars. Now if Serta got behind it I could see a market for sleepy drivers side-swiping guard rails. Last thing you want is to scare awake a sleeping driver with the noise of metal on metal.  People will spend extra to get a good night’s

There are too many folks that shit on luxury goods and while I understand their sentiment 99% of them are hypocrites. If they examined their own lives they would find many of their purchases were items manufactured many degrees beyond the bare minimum for serviceability.

Frank Sinatra can have The World On A String and these guys can’t dangle a 74 year old woman?  

For mardi gras beads?  

He sounds like a dick. 

Putting Mustangs crashing to music is kinda clever.  Making Mustangs crashing into music is darn clever.  

Can I interest one of you in a 2011 BMW 335D M Sport?  It’s blue.  

Is it wrong to assume that had he not owned a moped he could have used more traditional erection abatement methods?  You know . . . sex?

Don’t judge me please I cannot stand when I go pee.

It really is a shitty state of affairs.  


If nobody is gonna mention it then I will — I love that your avatar is Pan Am as you’re making this point.

Because people can sue.

which incidentally circumscribed the exact shape of a cartoon dick.

I like that the Sonett bonnet has something on it.  

Where’d whoo gooooooooo?!?