Lol . . . friends.
Lol . . . friends.
You know what also acts as a limiter? Crowds. Yet other Mustangs hit those. All this shows is they should have done some more public parking lot driveway testing.
Is this why there aren’t any Netflix specials for German comedians?
Like someone else mentioned — it’s probably a less likely place to be impacted when placed up high. However, I wonder if the drivers are conscious of the tank’s location on the vehicle. You’d think they’d be more wary of low structures if they were.
Does the Gizmodo staff care that a long-time reader chose not to read this article because I assumed it to be editorialized?
Could someone swap out the chiller with an aquarium chiller that can reach lower temps? Or should I ask: what kind of fittings does it have?
Could someone swap out the chiller with an aquarium chiller that can reach lower temps? Or should I ask: what kind…
This pictures is the one.
I can’t even spell google.
I’m not sure if it’s the lighting, but that thing looks ashy like Gumby. Is that a clay model?
Sooooo when is Rescue Rangers coming back? That game was also fun as all get out.
I can understand why the two BMWs are parked so poorly, but why are the rest?
Well that bums me out, but Houston is fun to drive to from SA if the cops aren’t out. Did you notice any other good deals while you were shopping? On a smaller Lexus.
Wait, are you in San Antonio?
My favorite was buying my Mazdaspeed 6 off the showroom floor. The salesman was the best part as he is the one that convinced the manager to let a 18 year old looking guy to test drive his dream car. And after I bought it they filled it up with gas which the porter spilled on the side of the car. My salesman (in his…
Are you a person that has lost their sense of smell? I can’t see what motivated this dealer to make this deal?
I’d guess it would be about 8 ‘gasms-per-mile, but you have to understand how quickly it can cover a mile and how many ‘gasms that would produce per second and that anything more than what it delivers would be unsafe.
God, I love this car. The only thing I would hope to change is the cheese grater vents on the bumper. That’s the ugliest venting solution they could have gone with and it’s the only thing that keeps me from robbing a bank to afford one of these.
Does anyone know how much Rimac has made it into other platforms?
One is on meth and the other’s on coke. I’ll let you try to guess which is which.
Yo, I want that pan flute exhaust.