Who doesn't seem to have TB. Interesting.
Who doesn't seem to have TB. Interesting.
Indeed. He sits on the stairs and waits for girls to come to him. He does make an excellent buttercream torte after all.
I'm so glad that's as far as it went. I like that they are chaste, despite Ethan's devotion to her.
This episode was a breather, and yet had so much in it. Hartnett's been amazing from the start, the biggest surprise of the show, but here he was at his best yet. His opening monologue was brilliant.
I had only seen him in 30 Days of Night prior to this, and maybe 30 minutes of Pearl Harbor. Not a bad actor, but never was big on my radar. Here, he's incredible.
Indeed. And the show uses him well.
Mitchell! Heart pounding! Mitchell! Veins clogging! MITCHEEEEEELLLL!
It's the War of Five Kings, and Balon Greyjoy's shown up maybe in two episodes?
This show needs Cedric Daniels to show up.
Everyone: "I looked Baelish in the eye. I shook his hand. This is bullshit."
He is serious, and don't call him Shirley.
To be fair, Tyene clapping at his singing, and defending it, was my reaction. Jerome Flynn's got pipes!
Prediction for the season finale: Aegon, Connington, Quentyn, Euron and Victarion all show up on a boat just off slaver's bay, just knitting and playing cards, in a 10 second cameo.
Where he lived happily ever after now that he stopped caring about his crazy niece. He took up knitting.
Her face as she gets caught in the trap was brilliant. Same Stepford Smile, but with her eyes darting all over the place.
"Dornish women are crazy." - Bronn
*Mike Myers "oh crap" face*
Obviously Stannis and Sansa are in a better place to dispatch the Bastard of Bolton, but I would kill for a Jon vs. Ramsey fight. Bastardbowl! Get hype!
*slow clap*
No man, have Paul McGann show up, with Richard E Grant in tow.