
Me, too!
My Wii U is running great, my Ambassador 3DS is in fantastic shape, my PS3 phat is going like a champ, my launch-day Wii is still fully functional and in use by my kids... Heck! I have a set of fully-functional NES and SNES systems.
Maybe I just have great luck. :)

I don’t disagree there. ANY connectivity problem with a modern controller is too much, and we have too much.
That said, I’d love to really get the nitty-gritty on why some people are having problems (like you), and some aren’t (like me), under very similar conditions. There must be some variable we’re missing, like

Hmmmm... I can see that. I wonder if it also has something to do with how many wifi connected devices in the room? My guess is that my Switch is about 6-7 feet away, and so far it’s been rock solid.

None. Zero. Zilch.

You are one of the most reasonable commenters I’ve ever seen on here. I may disagree with some of your points, but your willingness to actually discuss things to search for the best answer instead of getting defensive is really admirable.

Donnie Yen is the name you’re looking for, Luke :)

It’s not in the same category in terms of difficulty, but this is the exact reason I love the No More Heroes games. Most of the boss fights are just one-on-one duels between you and another assassin. Lots of fun.

$12?! For a movie this good?

$12?! For a movie this good?

Are you excited for the Nintendo Switch?

I don’t want to hear any more about this until I can actually watch it. It’s killing me!
Do you hear me, Cecilia?

We’ll get everybody and their stuff together.

We’ll get everybody and their stuff together.

But getting it running on the X1 was never the problem... The problem was that MS just wanted a short, to-the-point action game, and Kamiya wanted to make the game a grand experience complete with lite-RPG elements, open world exploration, customizable dragons, etc. MS didn’t get what they wanted, so they did as they

It’s time for Nintendo to dive in and save this thing for the Switch :)

C’mon, Nintendo.... Dive in and save this thing as a Switch exclusive.

Dang right. SO FAST.

They definitely have a strength, but Pharah or an opposing Symmetra can clear a room of Sym’s turrets in no time. Sometimes they seem UNDERpowered.

I main Symmettra, and the only thing I can think of being a tiny bit overpowered is how much ammo her blaster has. The new range could MAYBE be pulled back, but the amount of damage she does, even fully powered, provides plenty of opportunities for opponents to kill her.

“i don’t have any super memorable moments of 2 screen action, maybe one of the castlevania games used it in a cool way?”

My son’s name is Lucas, named for another brave little boy from a FANTASTIC JRPG.

*Sees Kubo on the list and breathes a sigh of relief*