Nicholas Ritch

Shit, he's built like a TE. Not a lot of 250 pound RBs out there.

Whether you watched football or the Golden Globes yesterday, you were likely exposed to a new McDonald's ad

If you live in North America Las Vegas is always a good time. Flight isn't crazy expensive and hotels can be found on the cheap.

I talked to some Broncos players who said Manning was throwing more picks in practice in the past six weeks than at any other time.

True. It distracted from the sophisticated humor of the fake blowjob.

I like this. Could you please make it a regular feature until I don't like it anymore?

Fuck off, chubby

The Butt Action Trilogy is now complete.

PROBABLE: Rashaan Melvin (pink eye)

Ohio State's Noah Spence was banned from the Big 10 for life this year for testing positive for Ecstasy, which is considered a performance enhancing drug because nothing makes sense and I hate this world.

That. And it's not legal for anyone in the state, no matter their age, until July.

See, if he simply played tight end, this wouldn't be an issue...

Alabama doesn't fuck around either

Good news is that the UPD and Tallahassee PD are investigating, so the criminals will be brought swiftly to justice.

Frankly, that just makes it even better.

In reverse it appears she is picking her nose and then putting something on his neck...

Best Vine of 2015.

Who the hells serves a tossed salad at a tailgate party?