
Puerto Vallarta? Puerto Vallarta?!?

Indeed, but the problem is not just the people that operate the scooter, but the people that own the dockless scooter companies.

I don’t own a scooter, but if I did I wouldn’t leave it 24/7 on the public street or sidewalk. Those are public spaces. I would bring it home with me.

Vary rarely have truer words ever been spoken...

It’s so bad, I’m seriously surprised a thousand people don’t die a day here 

I’m so fucking glad Philly resisted them. The river would have become even more polluted with those fuckers flying around. 

People are always the problem.  

It’s the crossover effect of all of the Texas immigrants who drive their F-250s all over downtown even though most parking is for Mini Coopers and all of the students raised in Boulder who have the street-crossing habits of Canadian Geese. That thousands haven't been killed already is a miracle. 

This is a great idea. I'm taking it.

Instead of ragging on the scooter companies how about we talk about the crap bags that aren’t responsible enough to not throw them in a river or leave them scattered all over the place. God forbid we ask people not to behave like children FFS.

Speaking of which, I cannot wait for some company to just dump a couple thousand wifi-connected bowling balls all over Manhattan. BOWL AT YOUR LEISURE

Keep this trend going! So tired of dodging idiotic scooter riders on the sidewalk, and scooters left everywhere.

Huh I thought Denver was too, because they definitely should. Not because I necessarily think the scooters are bad, but the drivers here are absolutely insane. I actually think the scooter riders are too, I know of one incident where the scooter rider flew out into traffic and was ran over by an oncoming driver. 

Not likely to run out of drunks soon even if they do, from what I remember of Milwaukee.

I always wondered if those batteries could be put to an... alternative use...

They started a project to do some silt removal in the main river in Providence and it is now going to take longer and cost more. One of the reasons. The fucking scooters (and bikes) they keep having to pull out of the water so they don’t damage the equipment. Scooters owned by a company that is no longer in the city. 

Sounds like the timing is finally right for some disruptive genius to introduce roller skate-sharing. And to think, bowling alleys independently developed Silicon Valley’s most vaunted capitalist innovation decades before anyone thought to notice how revolutionary it was.  

Either of these companies linked to Softbank?

If you look at it another way, these two companies are help clean up trash off the streets and sidewalks.

Time to get out there and harvest the batteries and electronics from some scooters before they disappear from my town too! 

What are the drunks in Milwaukee going to throw in the river if the scooters go away?