It seems that Master Chief almost ended up blasting Covenant made of Mega Bloks. After showing the Diddy Kong racing…
It seems that Master Chief almost ended up blasting Covenant made of Mega Bloks. After showing the Diddy Kong racing…
Look, I’m all about considering how old social norms looks in today’s society (my parents had “The Girl is Mine” and “PYT” playing over their sound system when I was home for break, and my reactions were “Why can’t she decide who she wants?” and “She’s a woman, not a ‘thing’”, respectively), but there’s nothing wrong…
....Hasn’t Mario been rescuing Peach for decades now? What exactly did you expect when you decided to open up a Mario game? I get it, it’s a overused trope, with the big strong man rescuing the poor defenseless woman. Feel free to roll your eyes at it, but don’t try to spin it like it’s not “family-friendly” or…
Also, my comments were not aimed at the author, but at the (IMHO) mis-guided father.
Wow, nothing makes you sound quite so pretentious as using the words “rife” and “retrograde” in the same sentence. I guess Nintendo having one of the first original female gaming protagonists, numerous games where Peach DOESN’T have to be rescued (total it up, I bet she is partying, karting, golfing, and adventuring…
There are plenty of instances where women solve dramas. Turn on TNT, TBS or USA after 2pm.
It felt like she would find it alienating and insulting.
Sounds like a fun guy to have at a party. Aren’t these types of tropes what drive most stories? A princess gets kidnapped, there is a nuke in some city, there is a spy infiltrating something secret, someone was murdered, something was stolen.
This seems like a such a weird thing to get upset about. Browser has been kidnapping Peach since the 80s.
It’s an ethical issue because it gives media / blogs more room to prattle about it.
Then don’t go to another movie. Its less noise the rest of us will have to listen to
But in...
Thanks Bobby, I am more than happy not to see Passengers.
I like the last part where after he got caught he turned around and became a good kid saying hi at community events.
Great story. People think they can do anything because they are on the internet. That was a good lesson
Oh, the guy who was introducing it to them (and kept coming in to explain things) is just a staffer on Conan’s team. He’s the one who sets up the gaming segments (and he used to play alongside Conan instead of a celebrity guest)!
Well yeah he had to sell the surprise, and I’m not a huge Fallon fan either, but credit where it’s due - he’s a legitimate enthusiastic Nintendo diehard.
the best part was seeing how much of a Nintendo Nerd Jimmy Fallon is.
We are number one but ever one is replaced by mama Luigi and tree branch does something crazy.
Today in Anaheim, California is the third annual PlayStation Experience, an event for all things PlayStation,…