Yeah, Freddie Wong and VGHS would like to talk to you.
Yeah, Freddie Wong and VGHS would like to talk to you.
First of all, using AdBlock is completely unethical IMO, and I never used it.
Really douchy from LH's part. It's even worse than pirating IMO, because you don't even have to PAY to support the creators, but nooooope, "who has a few seconds to support YT creator? YOLO amirite?"
Not cool LH, not cool. Blocking ads might not be technically stealing, but it is unetchical and a douche move IMO. It's like if someone said "Hey, I created some stuff that took some of my time and dedication and I'm not charging you to watch it, I just ask you to watch one ad before it so I can make some money back…
"Low Blow Bob Loblaw!"
I find the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey thing very smart, it gave RTD and Moffat a somewhat credible explanation to why time works in different ways in diferent episodes.
Uhm, Despicable Me wasn't made by Disney or Pixar, it was made by Illumination Entertainment, just as Anastasia wasn't made by Disney (which a lot of people think it is sadly).
Adventure Time
In sales, yeah probably, but what I think AngryrIder was saying is that GTA V will have to do much more than past GTAs to be better than Watch_Dogs quality/content wise.
We're on the same boat buddy. There was that DDR game for school kids Konami talked about on their Pre-E3 show, but I guess that's the most we'll get on a while. Pump will have to do for now :/
Let's put it this way: do you like something of GTA?
I can concur with this.
I think that's what Aikage meant too, but the way she/he/it worded it ("...I will buy a Wii U if this game...") implied Animal Crossing: New Leaf was a Wii U game, which is not.
Snake has it in his head in the end of debut trailer too (when he talks about Diamond Dogs). I've been wondering what it is since then, I innitially though it was just a leaf stuck on his hair, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
Uhm, this ia a 3DS game.
well that was pure McDonalds.
Just buy another XBone for the low low price of your dignity and install it in the same room. Just remember that you need to leave Kinect looking at you and your friends AT ALL TIMES for it to work. Isn't technology great?
It looks good I have to admit, but the green outline probably won't look so great with some other game covers.