He gets a Steam Achivement in one of the videos. Pretty sure is the PC version ;)
He gets a Steam Achivement in one of the videos. Pretty sure is the PC version ;)
Yeah, because he's a terrible person and you are so funny *rolls eyes* BEYOND
I thought it was the exact same thing you are saying, but then I kept readying the article. Turns out it's NOT that the card is full, but that the music app on Vita doesn't allow more than 4000 songs regardless if there's still space (read MB) left for it. Pretty weird.
Thanks Brian!
Sorry, but it's not a Metal Gear if it doesn't moos or does any kind of animal sound.
Weird, I don't mind watching or looking at a few ads in order to keep a site I like running. Oh welll, I hope it doesn't get in financial trouble for the lack of ads in here :/
What's written on it?
Are you in US? Maybe that's it.
I'm in Chrome here, no Ad-Block or similar installed and still no ads. I think the last ad I saw on Kotaku was months ago. Is it because I'm in Brazil?
Good for her ツ
Of course I would play it. You seem to focus on the emotion I do when I design games: surprise and discovery. Really nice idea, I hope you find lots of success in the game industry and launch your dream game.
I almost never turn the 3D off, mostly when I'm showing something to someone and it's hard for him/her/it to see from that angle.
You and whoever wrote that comic have a serious problem with women. I mean, the woman in the comic is not even bragging about being a gamer or trying to look impressive or gain excessive attention, she's just saying that she is a gamer. And that's awesome! Regardless if a man or a woman says that he/she is a gamer to…
Exactly my thought when I first saw this. I play all the time with people I StreetPass and I can fully interact with them (throw turtle shells, squash them, etc.) even thought they already played that match. Please someone correct if I'm wrong but I don't understand the big difference.
Also not avaiable. Do you have yet other source?
Seriously? THIS is news? In 2013?
Seem like people called Nicholas think alike ;)
We're not. One more person and we'll need something bigger than a T-25