Киндаскецы sounds like a Russian troll account username to me! ;)
Киндаскецы sounds like a Russian troll account username to me! ;)
Assuming that the US should not have had a presence in Syria...
Until it goes wrong.
I would first suggest asking if there’s a way, maybe a different way to the one that the US has been pursuing, that could elevate things in the region so the babysitting, as you put it, was unnecessary.
The bit that broke me was when I heard:
So the US is running away from protecting its ally who defeated IS for it, so fast that the US had to bomb US bases because they didn’t even have time to bring their ammunition with them, handing Russia and Iran control of Syria...
Are we able to confirm if it’s true that someone senior sent out the message:
How are Borris and Nigel doing these days?
“a snowflake coming along who has to be “special” once a year”
There’s no denying the 911 is a great car. It’s an almost perfect answer to fun of a Mustang GT but ready to spend a bit more and wants to go in the opposite direction to just an engine and transmission while still having three pedals and room for a baby seat.
There are valid concerns about crime at America’s borders.
Reality is just a Tesla fanboy! You can’t trust it.
A strong choice. But I’m tied between playing card in a bicycle wheel and whistle tips.
“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”
Having hit all 48 contiguous states on a motorcycle, there are gas stations almost everywhere and almost all of them have bathrooms.
Criminals are opportunists.