The English Guy

It’s amazing the dumb things we do when scared.

I’m afraid the English language doesn’t agree with you on that.

Charges faster than any EV. Implying more wattage than any EV charger? And free for three years?

To be fair, while he was over it, he was unlikely to die. Now he might have died under it or when flung off it. But he wasn’t going to die over it. 

Reframing the event, just checking on getting killed not being worth it...

We’re going by the word of the angry hood jumper that the guy tried to run him over?

In the police’s defense, they shoot plenty of people for being black who don’t have guns.

Forced implies any action that is involuntarily compelled.

God damn old people, get off my god damn hood!

Looks like a supercar. Sounds like a supercar. Under $130k. Will confuse people who just know Ferrari’s, Lamborghinis, Porsches and McLarens?

You are lucky. Sounds like you get to do the best kind of driving.

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”

Fucking mirrors. How do they work?!

Now if they can just add this tech to back seats, along with a limo style sound block, parents everywhere will be clamoring to buy it.

I own the same car.

America elected a man who promised to run the country like he ran his businesses.

That’s hardly presidential thinking.

We have had windows that go from opaque to clear, at the flick of a switch, for a while now. We need this in car bodywork.

Badge engineering is pretty common. After the post on David Tracy’s home, I learned that most Jeep parts are actually stamped with Fe2O3·nH2O

Stephen McKnight is personlike. Comment on Topgear here blog often. Insightful since original date. Still sponsored posts less jarring than weekends. Greys not contain. For much victory.