
You have claimed that the scout leader of the group you allow him to frequent is bigoted. He is not speaking against it, making him complicit in what you deem bigoted behavior. As his parent, you either picked this group or allowed him to be part of it, despite what you claim to be bigoted activity of its leader.

Tonight, I’m hosting a pity party in my apartment, because the guy I’d been seeing just broke up with me. He was straightforward and honest about it, and I’ve deleted him from my phone and things, but just ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. It’s difficult and complicated and I just want to find someone who makes me happy. But who is

Not a loser! Just maybe haven't found your thing get. I abandoned SO MANY crafts before I found one that I could do and enjoy.

This is going to be long. I apologize in advance:

I know that, but I disagree with the logic behind it. There is a need to protect vulnerable young teens, yes, but the laws in place in some states do need to be reformed.

It’s a good point, though, and I don’t think it’s nitpicking.