
You didn't think it was bland, trite and meaningless?

Or what?

To be fair, only internet hipster scum were trying to 'discourage these guys from being preachy and unfunny'.

To be fair, Lorde is absolutely unique as an anti-pop princess.

For a mangy weasel, perhaps.

So, what?, is this a film or a game? What?


She's still recording, apparently. Probably with the same sullen frown and plangent, accusatory vocals, still singing about how the pain of being ignored because she's a woman or different or too full of love for the rest of the stupid world to appreciate.

She's 37 for fuck's sake. Everyone knows it. Real name, Mayim Eggleburger.

Who's Sia?

Has he come out yet?

Just let them have it. It's not worth it.

She's the Tanita Tanikaram of today but looks like Luthor from 'The Warriors'.

The moment I saw Cartman put on his bow and describe himself - as I thought - a 'transginger', I knew this was going to be good.

Very nicely put.

'A noxious trope'.
