Fat asses is right....every one of the CBP “officers” I have seen is at least 150 pounds overweight....
Fat asses is right....every one of the CBP “officers” I have seen is at least 150 pounds overweight....
Did you know that Pence is Catholic, was an alter boy and attended parochial school? He refers to himself as “I made a commitment to Christ. I’m a born-again, evangelical Catholic.”
It’s goofy, but I saw one on the lot today and I...I...I kinda like it!
It’s funny how with all the accolades about Perot, nobody mentions how Perot Systems wasn’t an IT company, it was an OUTSOURCING company. Perot Systems decimated the IT departments of insurance companies in NH (and other companies of various stripes throughout the country). On insurance company I worked IT for in…
Yes but the 30W is the same price as the Anker but with foldable prongs...
Yes but the 30W is the same price as the Anker but with foldable prongs...
David...I love reading your stuff but man...I am glad that I live half a country away from you and that my state requires inspections. NOTHING you have described is safe. JMO but public roads shouldn’t be your testing grounds for your tack welds and jury rigs. But that’s just me and I’m old and crotchety.
You’re a friggin idiot
Idiot....not a single cent of taxes goes to the USPS. Christ you are stupid!
“regularly do racing sims and more.”
Apparently it was really his style...
I know you’re are just a smart ass who has never served, but you’re damned right they earned it!
I love how USPS detractors trot out the estimate of a single man to say that the Post Office costs taxpayers, by touting the fact that ups and fedex can’t deliver to mailboxes (really???), tax breaks on property (again, really???) and borrowing from the Treasury (????)....
Then why do you care? The USPS are paying for them not you, The USPS is self supporting and get no tax dollars so whatever they do won’t cost you a cent.
I’ve been using this one for four years now and it is still going strong....and I am carrying about 15 credit cards/business cards/appointment cards/insurance cards etc. in it.
I’ve been using this one for four years now and it is still going strong....and I am carrying about 15 credit…
I don’t think this is a good idea....from Wikipedia...
I don’t think this is a good idea....from Wikipedia...
Actually it is a Corvair Rampside. The Corvair Greenbrier Sportswagon was a van from 61-65...still a Corvair. There was also a Chevelle Greenbrier from 69-72 which was a wagon.
No maximum age limit for PPL. From Flying Magazine..
Not all of the plastic handled models are recalled....just certain ones. I have a plastic handled model in the date range that isn’t affected by the recall. You can check your model on the kidde web site.
It isn’t all of the plastic handled models...just certain ones.