
Bullshit!!!!! Everybody Knows tha BLACK PEOPLE INVENTED MUSIC!!!! Cross post this to THE ROOT, And i will have 200 plus likes

Antifa and the White Nationalists both went there looking to mix it up and break some heads #REAL TALK


But who would want to live in this RACIST country??? I tell people.WHY??

Such as??Philado I would marched for—-not many else—Perhaps that John Crawford fellow—Tamir Rice/???

I know you are a whiteaphobe, and from your comment history a hater of the proud slavic people, but here is an example of a black person BELOVED by the RUSSIAN PEOPLE Not only him, but his Grandson ALEXANDER PUSHKIN!!!, the greatest of our poets. He was also a

Jennifer Beals—- Beautiful at 23, beautiful At 50 something—


He should have waited for the cop to say “SIMON SEZ”

Mostly white folks get killed by cops, but by all means carry on with your streetcorner rant


You clicked,she won—

That was dark...

Now playing

Last tasteful you saw on screen—PSYCHO ?—

Because He is a CIS male, recording banal,insipid Garbage music———BeYonce!!, on the other hand is proud, beautiful,AFRICAN QUEEN!!—Who also records Insipid, banal garbage music- Go figure