Cheese Addict

I just want a really big HDMI converter/switcher/multiport thing. Like a box with multiple composite, component, S-video, and HDMI inputs with a single HDMI output. Does such a thing exist?

Wasn’t there a study that says doorways are a mental reset button, and that’s why people always forget what they were trying to do when they go to another room?


Then I don’t think I’ve ever had real brie, because all the brie I’ve ever had just tasted like weak camembert.

What can I say, it’s like the article was written just for me~

Where I am the most affordable camembert is President brand. I wouldn’t say it’s melting, but it is rather soft. Does that not count as a “real” camembert because it’s mass-produced supermarket fare?

The cheapest camembert I’ve ever eaten was $8 discounted to $4, and it tasted like a decent brie. I suspect this would taste the same, delicious, but lacking in the pungency of real camembert.

Everything feels too clean. It needs more grime, machine oil and slimy body horror to match the feel of the original manga.

Well that was an interesting bunch of Google searches.

So Black Panther but for fish people. Okay.

Someone eat marble ice cream while playing this marble game made of marble.

I want this now please

Kratos grew into a giant. His knives did not.

Well, shit.

Starred because I am far too old enough to be self-conscious about what to laugh at. POOP JOKES!

With cameos by Ellie Kemper and Michelle Wolf?

Claire kinda looks like the blonde ninja girl from the past season of Agents of Shield, Ruby

We get a lot of Japanese drinks here in Hong Kong. One of the few making the rounds right now are a clear peach tea and a clear milk tea. The peach tea is pretty good, while the milk tea tastes kinda weird.

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I and everyone who listened to Yakko’s World in the 90s disagree.

Nearly a whole decade now!