Cheese Addict
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I’m willing to forget that you lobbed the first insult if you go ahead and enjoy this oldie but goodie.

Words good! Learn to use for maximum effectiveness!

Again, I don’t think I’m the target of your ire, but sure, whatever makes you feel validated and special like the snowflake that you are.

I don’t know who you’re talking to, but I’m pretty sure you deserve a double deuce from your intended target for that comment.

Now along with Life in Aggro, that’s just an oddly high percentage of webcomic artists I follow that identify as a different gender or that have already started their road to transgendered life. Are there just a lot of people with GID in webcomics, or am I just drawn to webcomics artists who have GID?

Anti-conservative overly-PC outrage-lapping liberals got Trump elected?

This is clearly parody.

“Online”? What is this “online” you speak of?

Holy crap, did they actually get the original announcer as well, or did they find a ridiculously accurate sound-alike?

There are a few songs in the game. This one teleports you to the entrance of a volcano dungeon.

Really? Okay:

I regret giving these people money when I lived over there for a bit.

I am now reading everyone’s comments in these voices.

Aaand the video’s gone =(

The more I think about it, the more and more the internet as a collective mind resembles some male early teens on the edge of the autism spectrum. Extremely functionally intelligent, especially with facts, yet completely unaware of or resistant to nuance and violently intolerant of change to what they believe are

Definitely still my most oft-rewatched DVD set.

I’ve got an unused 6-foot HDMI cable somewhere in the house. Sounds like a solution to me, especially if you actually have to hit that reset button a lot.

Thank you for making me feel young again.

Onto the wishlist you go!

The more you accept that a lot of dinosaurs were just giant derpy things like Cassowaries or Kevin the Bird from Up, I swear, the more you’ll be able to use that absurd mental image to bring you joy.