Cheese Addict

Don’t forget that initial press reviews for BvS were just about as glowing... then came the general critics reviews that completely skewered it.

I wonder if it would have been possible to keep the joints working if they actually cast each piece separately.

I’ve always thought this way. I mostly wonder if I can poop in the line of fire.

Does anyone know why the original Playstation’s graphics jittered so much? Like polygons and textures looked like they were always in flux between two forms/places. Was this some kind of graphical programming thing that was supposed to smooth polygons on CRT screens?

I have a feeling that this is why it took so long for Japan to get anime-style 3D modeling to look decent.

...I still can’t beat the first level.

Here in Hong Kong, around Christmas, we got these KitKat Chunky bars at 7-11. I managed to get a peanut butter one, and my friend found a hazelnut cream one. They sold out pretty fast, and we haven’t seen them since, unfortunately. The peanut butter one was really nice, and my friend said the hazelnut cream was

These guys are going commando?! Man, that adds a whole new level of bravery here.

I’ll admit now, I enjoyed most of the Marvel films. And I didn’t enjoy this film at all. Is this because I’ve been brainwashed by Marvel, and can only enjoy their brand of colorful action comedies? I must hate dour and gray shows like Game of Thrones, or action-sans-much-comedy films like John Wick! I must get bored

Dammit, don’t give me more reasons to get into Wrasslin’.

I will steal that DVD set one day.

Yes, please. After Song of the Sea, I want more European animated films. Can’t wait for April and the Extraordinary World and this.

Yes, the Marvel movies have storytelling problems, usually having to do with shoehorning in the “grand storyline” involving Thanos... but at least I enjoy those movies and like their characters. I can’t say the same about BvS.

My assumption is that he ran out of laser juice after making all his kryptonite gas grenades, looked at the sharp chunk he had left, and said, “Welp, spear it is.”

What these mobs harassing others online need to realize is that they are not the victims, they are not the voice of the unheard, and they are not the sword defending the weak. They are at best bullies, and at worst terrorists, using fear and control to shut down opposing views and actions.

Um, Midas?

“Currently unavailable in your region.”

While I understand the general sentiment, I don’t fault either party. Good on this guy for standing up for his beliefs, and good on Blizzard for agreeing with him and doing something about it.

Now playing

I thought it was lifted from the comic? Not sure myself.