Cheese Addict

Stop buying games and get on that damn backlog.

The way the sand is clumping together, I think they used kinetic sand.

The action is so much cooler with the wide angle view. There are too many cuts and too much shaky cam in the original.

“How many times will they blow up increasingly larger Death Stars?” - my fiancée, after watching the original trilogy for the first time over the span of three days and then Force Awakens. She said it felt like watching the same movie three times.

Oh man, now I want a version of Star Wars where he dubs in his Joker voice for every line.

Now playing

The “Youtube Voice” is the new “Mid-Atlantic (Old-Timey Radio/Movie) Voice”.

The “cramped space” comment made me laugh. I live in one of those types of units. It ain’t that bad.

So pissed off I can’t find my original gameboy version of the game. I bet my brother sold it. I’ve been looking for a replacement without buying the original cart without playing it on an emulator.

Dammit, now I have to watch the first one. They had me at the Turtle Van.

Huh, an old co-worker of mine (who is the palest Irish dude I know) had no problem going to onsens and bathhouses, and he’s covered in tattoos. He really enjoyed teaching in Japan.

As SonOfSisyphus said, tats are taboo in Japan because of their assocation with the Yakuza and organized crime in general.

The counter to my mini-thesis is also equally valid. This was an interesting discussion as a whole.

It is not inherently racist to cast people in voice roles for characters who are not of their race. It does not make a character, his or her motivations, or how he or she is represented inherently racist. People of any race or creed can create fiction representing any person of race or creed. This is art, and it is up

*ahem* Cree Summer in... holy shit, EVERYTHING.

I just find it funny that people embraced the term knowing full well what it alludes to - violent bullying, albeit in a humorous way - and let it be applied to a group of completely unrelated people they believed were deserving of said bullying in their minds.

I think that’s the joke.

I feel like this is somehow celebrating and satirizing “retro”-stylized games at the same time.

What’s the statute of limitations for a spoiler? I say if some people think it’s less than a year, they’re the a-holes.

I only ever saw this show on VHS as a kid, in 2 hour compilations. They took all the live-action parts out, so I missed out on those bits... Yet they left the ending in, so I was always wondering who that dude was.

So close, yet still so far away...