
Already had the Limited Edition reserved weeks ago knowing it has to be as fun or even more so than the first BF:BC. I play the beta of this more than MW2. I just love the feel of the controls and gameplay balance. I honestly don't suck in this game as opposed to MW2...

I really enjoyed FF VIII, even more so than VII. Never beat any of them, but got really far in the 8th one.

@DunnCarnage: That's what I'm looking for too. I'd go for the Blu-Ray edition for my PS3, but it's $80+ on Amazon...

Lame, I now want to trade my DS for a DSi now. I didn't want this on my iPhone due to the tiresome touch control scheme with games of late.

I believe I will be getting this pack. Haven't played LBP in forever, but I now want to once I get back home from work today.

Great choice there, Luke! I myself own a 2009 Mitsubishi Lancer ES Sport and have been loving it ever since.

A pretty good update all around! Going to have to pick up Pixeljunk Shooter, Dante Inferno demo, and those Simon & Garfunkel songs!

Not sure how I missed out on this series, but I will be picking up the 1st and 2nd Yakuzas for my PS2 in the coming weeks for sure. Looks like a great game from reading about it and seeing the reviews.

Looks awesome! Loved ME on the PC and can't wait to play this on the "road."

Wow, this sucks. I need to cancel my membership with them then seeing as I don't use any of their "benefits" anymore.

Awesome update. Even the fun things like the holiday-specific visual changes make this game unique and more fun to play. This just goes to show you that these developers enjoy their game and want their customers in with the fun too.

Awesome, I'll be picking up the Sonic Sackboy. This will be my first costume purchase for LBP actually...

I really want to try this game out, but not for the $10 price tag. I'll wait for it to drop a few bucks before I pick it up.

I'm not too awfully surprised with the sales in DJ Hero, but would have liked to see them higher. I am still thoroughly enjoying the game and it's amazing soundtrack that touches many genres together. Something that I disagree with Luke, but hey, we all have different tastes. #djhero

Haha, I love that picture! #crime

Awesome! Too bad I have to step into a Gamestop, but I'll gladly reserve this game to get into the beta.

I think there is one Kmart left here, but that's a good 25 minute drive. I would be all over that PSP Assassin's Creed Bundle with the free AC2 game for the PS3. But I already have a PSP and have AC2 paid off already on Amazon. #blackfriday

His $60 should have been sent to a better cause, like a charity. This is just too ridiculous to warrant a head shake. Hopefully DICE does something wise and helpful with this guy's $60. Or just simply void the check out and send it back to him.