
I actually enjoyed this video a lot. Accents were not the best, but didn't really detract from the overall quality of this video. Music and theme were great and I look forward to more.

I'm no Monster Hunter fan, but the game looks mighty good actually.

Day one buyer! Can't freakin' wait to have these two DLC on top of Kratos and Nariko(sp?). Definitely excited as a kid playing legos all day.

This story makes me want to buy a brand new copy now. Been wanting this game and was thinking of purchasing it used at Gamestop. Or I may just pick it up on Goozex.

Curious to try Fracture and Mercenaries when I get home. Can't wait until next Thurs with the release of Wipeout HD.

Argh, why don't they release this on the PSN! I'd definitely be all over this. Ah, might have to pull out my N64 copy that I still have around.

No at the moment. I am perfectly happy with my PS3. I hardly play my Wii, let alone my PSP and DS. Sure, I'd be curious to see what the can offer, and if they even pike my interest, then I could be inclined to check them out. But as it is now, we have enough to play with.

Awesome! Picked this game up recently and I'm enjoying it a lot. This will stay in my PS3 longer once the update is released.

I how this turns out to be a worthy competitor to my Sim City 4 that's usually found in my computer!

I am glad that they were able to secure the name now. It may actually help in sales with a somewhat recognizable franchise name! Still, I can't wait for this game to come out!

Not bad. Looking forward to drumming on them (hopefully quieter!). Thanks for the detailed pics!

I can't wait to finally play this classic on my DS! I've played Chrono Cross and I know I've been missing out on this.

Might have to pick this game up! Probably might have to wait until I pick up a few other games before this.

I still have my PStwo in my drawer. Still doesn't see the light of day due to my PS3. It was a great system though and I'd recommend it still to any newcomers to gaming.

Ah, I'm going to rent this via Netflix. I want to see all the hub-bub about this. It would be my first Uwe Boll experience!

Nice going for the PAL! I'm not big into RPG (except for Chrono Cross, which I love!), but I think I will pick this up when it reaches US shores.

Not a bad update to the PSN. I really enjoyed The Last Guy...might have to pick it up if it's a good price.

Awesome! Sega strangely has made me excited to own a Wii again. Samba De Amigo, House of the Dead Overkill, and now Madworld.

If this is released at a decent price, then I would pick one up. I was about to find a bluetooth keyboard for my PS3, but I can wait until I hear the pricing on this accessory.

Fine...I will buy this series again. Already own it on DVD, but I have to have this in HD. My purchase would be even sweeter if this includes more special features.