
Pisten Bully 600W

nibbles ate it

@John Krewson: Head to Vertigo Bar & Restaurant tomorrow morning:

A bit more from Joe Saward's blog:

Thought you guys might like this one: a recap of the Lotus even from Joe Saward (F1 columnist)

Yes, I love rubbing carbon fiber on my skin, it's great for exfoliating.

Architect Adam Kalkin built a similar house in NJ:

If we're going to recommend a site to create, share and find color harmonies, let's stick with the original: []

Anyone else notice there are some decent deals in some of these auctions? Rolling Craftsmen tool cart going for $100, anyone?

@badasscat: That's correct - an increase of 175% is 2.75 times the base number.

@irishman72: Plus the swedes would only use a tiny hex key

@jetRink: Classic film - absolutely love it.

@Middleswine: I was trying to figure out the same thing. It's pretty clear when you compare the standings in Rally America to the invited athletes, things don't quite add up.

@mikecoscia: Do you know of any that offer this? I've been looking for the same feature.

Well that was fast.