No, “Freedom of Speech” does not mean “Freedom from Consequences of Speech”
No, “Freedom of Speech” does not mean “Freedom from Consequences of Speech”
I don't think that's fair at all.
I’m sorry, but you can’t look at a SU-35 and PAK-FA side by side and claim that it’s a ‘clean slate’ design. It’s just very clearly not.
Negro, really? Is this the 50s?
And did you seriously just drop the “N word” there? Wow, I’m definitely not “politically correct”, but even I wouldn’t drop that in a conversation. Do yourself a favor, comrade— watch the movie “Rush Hour”, specifically the scene in the bar/pool hall...
Just a quick thought: that would be a genius way to move real tanks quickly over long distances without having to encumber a train (I’m not entirely sure how tanks loaded on a real train would work out... from a load perspective).
Simple version:
Oh come on Tyler, don’t tell me you buy into this corporate/defense conspiracy bullshit.
You definitely have a few fair points, but there is one thing that I thought was interesting, where the guy says “maybe a set of fresh eyes is what this industry needs, or maybe I’m way off”, or something like that. As a technical specialist (linux/unix/internet applications and frameworks), now over 40, I think he…
Yup. At the software company I work at, we have a mix of open-source and closed-source projects, and sometimes people will try and copy our closed-source functionality. Usually these are people on small teams who threw something together as fast as possible, and this can sometimes lead to questions about why we’re not…
Bending the world to the will of American interests is not at all a ‘false vision of what’s good for America’; it is in fact the most direct and clearly distilled way to ensure American prosperity and dominance. That is undeniably good for America.
I’m under the impression that if anything kicks off that at some point in the future may be of significance to the US, special forces of some type are on the ground within the week, if not less. Delta is a spooky bunch. They operate on a higher level and they don’t get recognition.
“Plus sending in boots is exactly what ISIS wants.”
Well totally disengaging is an option.
1.) We are already heavily involved. Hitting pinpoint targets and exacting intelligence that is actionable is a huge ROI. Basically you are asking a much larger strategic question, I will address this in the very near future.
The Pentagon and the Obama Administration announced yesterday that a team of between 100 and 200 special operations…
Outstanding! Continue to focus on school and always keep in mind that the bullshit you face in life/school right now isn’t worth a drop of sweat when you experience the reward of what you will live and feel when you sit in the front cockpit for the first time.
I love his smirk right before he delivers that line. Obama can deliver a joke like a boss.