
Impossible for lazy people that dont work out. Fitting for the activities they do.

People just want everything to adapt to their pudgy bodies not realizing that if you spend all day tomb raiding, you will look fit like Lara, and if you spend all day street fighting and training for said street fighting, you will look



Given the lessening sympathy I had for Kratos as the games went on, I would be open to a God of War game in which Kratos was the target.

I think the more important point to note is how no one cared back then - and how there would be a mass riot of SJWs and Fake Orthodox priests now.

Geez, how inconsistent can you be?

Except she literally does the over the shoulder pose in the very first Overwatch trailer in front of the two kids. The animators must have missed the memo, that it’s just not who Tracer is...

I don’t even get it.

I am kind of loving how this is a big middle finger to all the salty whiners who thought they were “caving to SJW pressure”.

I actually can't even picture how you wipe your ass while sitting. Like, I reach my hand pretty much into the toilet bowl under my balls? What if I took an enormous shit that is peaking above the water? Why would anyone risk that? I wasn't even aware sitting to wipe was a thing people did. What the actual fuck.

Like I said:

To this day, I still think Killzone 2 and 3's multiplayer was some of the best online FPS multiplayer there’s ever been.

Yeah, I wouldn’t call those sounds “nightmare fuel”. Here when I clicked I was all hyped to hear some terrifying deep ocean cries and sounds. Clickbait gets me again :(

You guys just don’t get REALLY heavy metal

I think it’s awesome that you are voting against your own interests and don’t even care!

Has there been any insight into why she does so well with African American voters given her spotty history regarding their interests? It seems so bizarre to the point of being baffling.

With the exception of some rather chaste pairings of Anakin/Padme and Han/Leia, I think the entire series has had maybe 3-4 full on kisses, let alone anything more risque. Other than the Leia Slave Costume and maybe the incestuous kiss, Star Wars is pretty prim stuff.

As shameful as this is, it was probably done just because Naughty Dog is crunching to get the game done and whoever was responsible for choosing that art didn’t have enough time to draw their own. While I’m not condoning this practice, it just goes to show how stressed out and overworked people in the game dev

I feel like I just saw the promotional image for a Venture Bros. porn movie. Would probably watch.