
The difference is the nerd tries to draw a clear arbitrary line?

I’m with you, I’m a fan of hers for the right reasons. She is witty and smart, and commands presence in the screen.

I’d buy it right now if it had two plugs and reseted both my modem AND router.

I’m a super platinum black diamond sky flyer who flies first 2 - 4 times a week. My airline status is of course a shitty compensation for my quality of life. That being said, I agree fully with your proposal. I wouldn’t mind being called in last every single time, which would mean less time in the aircraft - because

Stop fucking losing checked bags and people will use it.

Too soon, man, you’re desensitized.

So what did they eat (and how much of it??) to grow at that speed? Looks herbivore to my admitedly-untrained eye.

And here’s Ted Cruz after 15 weeks exposed to all that stuff:


Can’t wait to throw the legend of the bonsai kitten on my daughter!

My second-favorite bird, after the Cardinal.

Back when politicians were honest, people greeted each other in the streets and youngsters respected their elders!

Wish I “is not doing well right now."

Can’t respect a list that doesn’t include A Fish Called Wanda.

Do we call them “moons” if Pluto is not a “planet?"

TL;DR BUT Great value in the .gif! It summarizes the tragedy. We’ve lost the smily face in the mountain at the far end of the valley!

Your wife IS the market.

Beside the “would you” question, why “couldn’t you?"

This isn’t useful, like having diesel engines know when they’re being tested. That shit’s gangsta.