
Only you young guys call it “late this evening.” Us parents call it “early tomorrow morning.”

I like John McCain in a grand-fatherly kind of way, because I know he’s been through some shit, and because I have seen him stand up to some crazy shit deep-right wingers say. But he’s not fit to be president, and not on his age alone. And I think that he took a chance that Palin would energize the ticket, which quite

Techincally, what Americans chose was McCain, and then he showed said Americans he sucked by picking Palin. So it’s a two-step fuck-up. Still embarrassing, but not as bad. ALASKANS, on the other hand...

That could arguably be expanded to when the kids get kicked out of the house. In the U.S., at about 18, in Europe, 35.

So you’re saying the “facts" are right? Says WHO? Are there hats? What if I believe 2 is more than 5? 1st amendment, bitch!

No man, you can’t hope for that.

Pretty sure there is an inverse correlation between intelligence and anti-vaxxers though.

Fucking anti-vaxxers and their too much free time.


Macbook Pro Retina is getting no love. No update on BEST-EVER 15", and not even a note on the mild updates of the 13"?

Wait, but what's the story with the 15" Macbook pro retina? No update?? Nooooooooo!


Consultant focused on telecom. Always have my eyes open. Sometimes write it down. Keep it on the DL.

Arguably (very) the U.S. system does just that, and the Finnish system corrects that.

Great service to humanity, Mr Limer. Much appreciated.

Not to defend anyone (although I admit bias towards designers who think up bat-shit stuff like this) but electric + AWD doesn't demand a transmission tunnel, just an electric motor at each wheel or at each axel.

Erin, your writing is among my favorite, and this piece was thoroughly enjoyable. But you ma'am, are not a super-hero. Your wit cannot overcome the interviewers' super-boringness.

Yet we do nothing.

Man, Brazil wishes it was like Chicago. I speak as a Brazilian. Other than the weather, of course, because what's up with that shit?

15:29 EST: #25,136 on the waiting list.