
I think we're moving into technology that already reads and interprets that. There are commercially available cars that recognize people, animals and bikers - day or night - and warn the driver and/or apply the breaks. My car asks me to intervene when it's active cruise control detects something it can't handle

Physics and mechanics are on your side. The lower the speed differential, the more time you will have to fit into a "gap" in merging traffic.

Or, dare I say it, if the invaders were from the right Cuban families.

Dog must be a teenager.

STFU. You'd rather have your head in the sand than face the music, ass hole. You're the problem, you fuck, not Snowden.

Another first: First time the award is given to anyone in the Southern Hemisphere, to Brazilian Artur Avila.

Well, this ONE time I was flying from Florianópolis to Porto Alegre, a 40 minute flight in Southern Brazil, on assignment. After I was checked in, the airline announced it was merging our flight with another going to Porto Alegre, except out of São Paulo, which is a 1-hour flight from Florianópolis. So instead of 40

Erin, I'm just going to come out and say it: your writing is so good and your tone is so perfectly aggressive, you make me want to READ.

GREAT English!

+ veeeeery deep cell-phone conversations, then seriously beware.

Sounds like a money-maker, genius!

Yeah, they're just working hard *cough* to catch up to us.

Wow, you really have no fucking clue how anything works, do you? Bio-fuels out of methane? Really? Do you know what "bio" or "fuel" means?

You win the internet. All Gawker content is free for all today!

The infotainment system has to be better, only because it can't be worse. Trust me, I own one.

You know what? Economics is counter-intuitive. The matter of the fact is, if you want to keep an area forested, you must make paper marketable. It's the only way that forest will continue to exist in the long term. If animals and plants were the same, then it would be just as correct to defend the fact that the

I have the same one and it's still a beast. Works flawlessly, I am truly impressed how much better this one is than anything before it. I'm going to wait too.

Very nice!

Do you have any idea how much Air Force One costs??

Thank you.