
Bring your kid with you. Make a little event of it. Don't leave your kid in the car.

It is safest to avoid pumping gas while hauling kids, though. I open the rear window that faces the pump so I can continue engaging my daughter. But agreed, this is the only situation, and it's only acceptable because you are guaranteed to be within a few feet of your car and child.

If it's all about Christ, then shouldn't it be a lot nearer to Christ's actual birth? And maybe throw in a couple of Christian values in there too? The actual kind, not the Palin kind.

I owned an E92, new, for 2 years. While it is a GREAT fantastic car (the best I've ever owned) it is far from perfect and seriously lacks personality. It could've been Bangle-infamous-special and wasn't. It could've had torque, but didn't. It could've been light but wasn't. BMW as a whole is moving away from fun

Thank you for this article. It is great and every advice here should be the LAW. But it title suggests people who do this will be more courteous, and in fact they will be so much more. Indirectly, I will be more courteous to them just because they are not creating high-risk situations. Perhaps a suggestion towards

I'm actually pretty OK with the electric parking brake.

Duct tape rules!

Range Rover Sport. No longer just a charmer, now it's an all-round performer.

You are right. And "most people" are very very wrong, because apart from providing enhanced safety in case of an accident, child seats are only just a hassle. Put them in wrong and then they're ONLY a hassle. Freakonomics author guy person writer goes even further to argue that even if installed correctly, they're

HA, someone's a fan of M, Inc.

Anyone's who has seriously put in a baby car seat knows what this is. If your car has the ISO anchors, then the base of the seat is taken care off. However, the seat can spin unless you ANCHOR the top. Cars with ISO anchors also have a very sturdy anchor for the harness at the top of the seat.

While I agree, I have to say 1 sad truth: EVERYONE - from the sweetest old ladies, through the cutest little kids all the way to the star power high fashion divas - farts in airplanes. The most gentle person can be looking you right in the eye as they tell you something heart-warming and simultaneously fart. I've

No, I mean that Benedictus in many ways represented the conservative turn supported by the largest Catholic Churches in Continental Europe. His sudden, atypical and unexplained removal, and the choice of a candidate with such an opposite perspective on key issues seems like an over reaction. I would find it difficult

At the epitome of a career in priesthood, he doesn't know about women by design. All he knows is Mary was a virgin and we had God's son on Earth. I strongly believe the stark contrast between this pope and the last is a result of a cover-up. We'll just see how long he's allowed to say reactionary things and how

Please overlap this map with drunk-driving related deaths per capita!

Yeah, because you'd be hitting the "after." Then you have to run out before you wake up and have to face the "before."

Get a Mac. Seriously, your mood will lighten. I get cranky every time I need to fire up Windows 8. I'm not passionate about OSX, but am passionate about the route Windows has taken. Oh, alao those meds and try not to torture any small animals today, mmkay?

... which is?

Wow, what an emotional response! Fanboy much?

Get a Mac.