
I fully agree and dare to take it one step further: the egg-thrower is jealous that he is restrained to traditional British values, in which one must be absolutely discrete, and never EVER aspire to be more than one's parents. He wishes he could openly wish for a Ferrari, even before he wishes he had one. Throw an

I got it, the article is fantastic by the way! I think it brings out a very solid example of something that is seldom brought up but is in everyone's face, the hypocrisy of pitching Christ's vow of poverty from a Ferrari with Vatican plates.

Guys guys guys, priests in communities drive humble cars. But the price of the car is inversely proportional to the distance from 1 Piazza San Pietro, where the center of power and influence lies.

I jiat read that whoever sent it knows so little about their mobile device they left the "ad" in there.

Also the Colllege Bowl.

I guess we are in the parallel universe after all. In the non-bizarro universe, the wording would be "I wanted to be President, but I'm not the right man. I don't have charisma. I built my financial success on businesses that eliminate jobs and ship industry overseas. I pay less taxes than most of the population,

That iPad is probably in the hands of its 2nd owner of at least 3 it had that day. Also, probably using a translator since in Brazil Spanish is less common that it is in the U.S.

This is a serious matter, and a shifting target as the country's demographic evolves. That said, my mind is BLOWN that you could sneak in a sexy undertone to this article that works. I'm at my JOB. I even took a double-take at "bajillion" searching for more innuendo.

Man, this is great. I feel like it'll be easier to pitch to my 2 year old that there is fairness in this world. Not at state level in FL, though. Rubio will be remembered as the youngest up-comer to join the sinking ship.

Ain't J-Lo Googling shit, y'all. Shit Googles J-Lo or Google Shits J-Lo, but ain't no diva from DA BLOCK y'all gonna sit their fine ass down on no office chair in no office cubicle in no office building in front of a screen she ain't on and damage them nails that cost more than you make in a year to type in shit like

I chose to answer on this post given I am "the stranger on the internet." I am, but I got a hint of what you meant. You meant ignorant, and although academically I am, it turns out I make a living based on analytical research and logical thinking. I am also opinionated and interested, and I have children so this

Wow. I think this distinction is muddling the water, and your comparison to pedophilia is all wrong! I think it is right to want something that only impacts the life of another consenting adult, and in general I think it is right to do what you want to do. So being a homosexual doing homosexual acts with another

Not cool. Kind or argument which aims solely to strenghthen bigoted values. I'm hoping Mr Foreman's threats to Eric are in the clear though, I laughed at those.

I am on the fence on this one, and frankly not willing to look up more context. But when someone acts entitled, am I under risk of perceived bigotry if I call them "Your highness?" What will happen when Elizabeth steps down and Charles takes her place? Will I be in the clear then? I have to be honest, I may be

I do: lax rules for obtaining a driver's license.

Yup. No retort to two-time world champions though. Suck it up.

Cosa fae, sei patso??

Kate, it's only as big a thing as you make it. It is a skill that demands more training than most others outside of your chosen profession. Yet not mastering it to the point you feel safe doing it will cause you significant recurrent inconveniences outside of NYC, London, Paris, Tokyo and another handful of cities

You guys are right, HE WAS SO NICE! If you're lucky next time you're searched - bound to happen soon since it seems so commonplace to you - you'll get an EXTRA NICE cop out to scare you with his extra large middle finger and he'll do an EXTRA SEARCH where you hide your stash.

Paid leave as a punishment? For harassing a mother of a newborn? I think there are rules and even if a broken headlight can attract empathy in our struggling economy, a suspended license certainly can't. However, handing out punishment is not a cop's job, it's the job of a judge after due process. And it's not