
No, it's a personal tag, you hit it, you can loot it.

Anyone can tag Moonfang and get credit/loot for the kill. Faction doesn't matter. :)

Err maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I know WHY it's so strong.
My problem is the absurdity of current leveling systems. It used to be that higher level could be explained by a monster being extremely skilled in combat or magic etc. Nowadays any random slime, rat, or wolf monster can be a level 100 even though he has the

It's only ungodly strong right now because we (the players) are no longer at level cap (100). Once we all get to 100 the fight will take no more than a few minutes like it always has.

And this just highlights part of my problem with so many games' leveling systems.

An ordinary looking wolf for some reason is ungodly strong at level 103, requiring hundreds of players to bash on it for 3 hours to kill. That shit always bothered me. Kind of wish enemies would at least scale in size proportional to

This being a world boss, anyone of the same faction as whoever engaged her will get a drop as long as they damage her in some way. Some may get better drops than others, but that's RNG for you.

just guessing, but maybe it's similar to the rares on Timeless Isle with their faction tag? (that faction gets loot and credit who engaged)

The graphics and interface has REALLY started looking dated :(

So, one group of 6 or small raid gets the credit for the kill? Whoever engaged first?

After 3hours of dying you receive a bag of gold that has 30g in it

I am invested in Mutual Funds, it's the only thing I could afford when I was making extra money.

I don't consider a 401(k) investing as much as just mandatory retirement planning because there's no selling involved, but I started that straight out of college. My employer also had a discounted employee stock purchase plan which was my first real investing.

I just installed a replacement door in my garage leading to the back yard. When they built the house, they had the door in place when they poured concrete for the garage foundation, so I had to grind it out in order to fit the new door frame in. And my house is wonderfully, horribly not square. I've got two more to

Do they make an option with French doors, two leafs? I have a sliding glass patio opening I want to replace.

I started with ING, which is now CapitalOne. They have both a savings bank and an investment side.