
I really am envisioning someone running into the lunch room screaming “Bear! BEAR! In the hallway, just thought you ought to know!” And passing out Professor Quirrell style and just mass panic. No? Okay

I can understand. I was vegan as a New Years resolution for a year. Towards the end, around Thanksgiving I got drunk at a friends party and had all the cheeses. I felt so terrible about it the next day. I’m now a vegetarian and while I don’t think I would eat meat drunk I can definitely understand the appeal. It’s

That's awesome! Thank you for a great tip!

Oh my Claude, I'm sorry that happened to you, that is horrible! Did you/ do you have problems seeing? How did you get it out?

Wait, are you joking or serious? Why do you keep super glue in the fridge? Is there a reason for it? Like, keeping it from hardening in the bottle or something?

Thank you :)

Thank you so much!

That sounds pretty neat, I'll have to check it out!

I’m late to the social, but it’s my birthday party tonight. It's dinner and back to the future and drinking! I'm pretty pleased with how it's going and I hope everyone else is having a nice night too!

It's my birthday dinner tonight so I had Indian food and a brownie waffle cake with cheesecake icing. It was wonderful!

I didn’t get to freak show. I never made it all the way through the season before either. Maybe I'll skip freakshow

I know this show is TRYING to be ridiculous and terrible but I’m still really confused about the whole thing and can’t figure out if I actually think it’s funny or not. And I'm curious if other people genuinely think it's funny or think it's funny in an ironic way?? I’m going to give it one more episode and then we’ll

If the company you design for is anything like the company I design for - I’ve noticed that people use anything that shows up in google image search as fair game regarding artwork. Both designers and the team requesting a project “Change a few details and it should pass as original artwork” tends to be the thought

No problem! Weirdly enough it doesn't show up that you replied to me on my end. I only saw this. I don't think kinja cares for me either, everything I star doesn't seem to stick, or do anything so I feel your annoyance!

Wish I could do that, with the one I liked in college. I keep moving too far away.

Thanks! I noticed you can’t really change comments so being able to change blog posts is great to know!

Thank you for doing this! And I appreciate being added to your list, thank you so much!

I sometimes make rice and beans and fry or grill veggies and make my own burritos for lunches and freeze them. I also take carrot sticks, hummus, celery, and pretzels. I also like to look up veggie salads that aren't traditional salads. I used to make broccoli, craisin Apple salads a lot. I like Pinterest for looking

Oh no! My proffersor in college had gotten scabies and it sounded like a miserable two weeks because she kept reinfecting herself by forgetting to wash her sheets. I hope you have a super speedy recovery, I'm unsure of what to suggest about the medicine but I wanted to assure you you are not a garbage person, you can

I normally just say no thanks and if forced to elaborate just explain I'm not comfortable with holding children. Most of the time people back off. I don't think it's rude at all.