
69 emojis.

Just some light reading alongside my martini! Perhaps she got depressed with the subject material which lead to the “shitbombing” that followed

I struggle to understand why he likes the dangling feet look so much.

Look how spotlessly clean those boots are. They’re fresh out of a box. Did he get carried there by some indigenous porters like he was in the countries where he killed animals?

Slightly disappointed only because I thought the headline meant he was fired.

This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.

Are you being sponsored by Amazon Prime?

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

He means the tyrant on William’s arms.

I feel more guilty for snickering at this casual bombshell:


I wonder how much Angelina would care about the world if she couldn’t issue press releases about how much she cares. Paul Theroux had some interesting insights into this a few years ago. Isn’t the whole point to always make herself look so much better and more worthy than everyone else, which now includes her

Kind of sounds like Taberski is a creepy weirdo who needs to leave Richard alone. By kind of I mean completely and totally.

Regular gold bears are number SEVEN?! For SHAME. Regular gold bears are, and always have been, fantastic and deserve to at least be in the top 3.

Yeah. My daughter is disabled and on a state Medicaid waiver program, which charges a parental fee based on a sliding scale. I still pay about $6500/year for the parental fee, but it acts as a secondary insurance that picks up everything our primary insurance doesn’t. It is a lifesaver, and I rarely if ever post about

But 1) they collected this data without consent or notice, 2) their intent for collecting the data may not be “jerking off” but it is highly sensitive information that, particularly combined with other information, could be used in completely unacceptable and invasive ways, 3) dollars to donuts it wasn’t adequately

They kind of look alike, too.

But customers were not aware, and that data can be shared. It’s a super creepy violation of privacy, and potentially damaging. What if a company purchases the advertising information, ties that data to your email address, and is like “oh hey I see that your device activated during working hours. FIRED” or it’s used in

Damnd it!! I was thinking of buying this but didn’t. I really could have used 10k!!