
I think the difference is the respect for the institutions of government and of the American people. GWB had bad policy that tanked the economy and got us into unwinnable, destabilizing, unjustifiable wars. But he at least respected the office of the Presidency, the humanity of Muslims and immigrants, and while he

Well, if she hadn’t said that, I personally wouldn’t know about this was her 20th nomination. Women should take credit for their achievements. God knows men do — take credit for women’s achievements, as well as their own. #ownit

It’s true. She’s entitled to be proud of and honest about her achievements.

I played a song for my teenage daughter (something Pearl Jam I think), and she commented, “ that’s really old, like from the 1900s”. I started to correct her but then just accepted that it wasn’t really wrong. I guess I am a 1900s man.

I like that Roy Orbison. He seems like a nice young man, and a real up-and-comer.

Stop making up fake band names.

He is one of the best people in Hollywood and a lot of it has to do with the hard life he’s had:

You almost had me there until Depp. Christ, why do people keep putting that bloated wife-beater in movies? Ruined Fantastic Beasts for me, just seeing him there. He’s so gross.

I was excited until Johnny Depp.

We are sending up a monster new telescope next year to replace the broken Kepler and aging Hubble. The new James Webb telescope may very well be powerful enough to identify signs* of life on other planets so finding likely candidates is important so we know where to point it. I’m so fucking excited. Scientists have

The real Sisqó is threatening legal action against the Fake Sisqó.

Oh, we called Obama out on that many a time. The Administration and Congress just refused to hear us. Very few liberal democrats appreciated Obama’s waffling on immigration nor his execution of foreign policy via drone.   While some come-latelies can certainly be called out for not speaking up about it in the past,

Who are the dictators being considered for cabinet positions?

I don’t really like jazz. I am going to admit that in my 20's I pretended to like jazz to seem cultured, but now that I am in my 30's I am going to drop the pretense. But I do enjoy reading jazz musician bios on Wikipedia. Something about how they choose their instruments reminds me of superheroes choosing their

That assumes the child is making an actual choice and not being manipulated by one parent. In an ideal world sure. But if the parent or parents are manipulators it’s not really the child’s choice.

I’m actually really glad about the velour...I kind of love it. I also recently found about 10 yards of black velour at the thrift store (!!!) and turned it into a black velour wardrobe, so glad to know I’m on trend.

Puzder is reportedly “very tired of the abuse...”

I am not a fan of her music, but her prusuit of this fight has made me a fan of her as a person. Fuck this dude! Turkey and a diet coke is too calorie rich? That is just fucking absurd.

Yes he did. Her name was Lana Clarkson.