When I was in 6th grade, our school banned shorts for some reason. I got so mad I started to campaign to bring them back.
When I was in 6th grade, our school banned shorts for some reason. I got so mad I started to campaign to bring them back.
oh god, wait, it’s all coming back. What a contrarian little piece of shit I was.
I’m pretty embarrassed to admit this, but I was once anti-choice. I was a born-again christian asshole. I spoke at a dinner, there’s video of me at the age of 19 on a christian talk show, marched at an anti-choice event. I do my penance now by giving money every month to Planned Parenthood and having an abortion every…
I kinda thought it was Lindsay Lohan. Even after her face was in the picture. :| I have lost track of pop culture.
Do you really thing Deep Blue Something unified the world?
i like beyonce (have forever, saw destiny’s child in concert three times as a kid) but is anyone else totally exhausted by stan culture? the internet acting like she is the greatest thing in the history of the world and completely above reproach tires me out(the amount of ‘woke’ people i saw defending her for that…
I don’t think it’s inherently racist. But in my opinion, a Jewish person using that term while speaking English is usually being racist. And the connotation in the interview was definitely racist (he is a proponent of gentrification).
Yes, I’ve done something exactly like that! I met my girlfriend over at Groupthink about a year and a half ago. We started an e-mail friendship, and after a few months things became pretty romantic and she planned a sexcation to come visit me in Texas from Canada. Turns out, we fell in love and we’re going to get…
Story 1: So, let me offer the following backstory: I’m lactose intolerant. That’s it, that’s the whole backstory.
I get migraines that are often accompanied by intense vomiting and sometimes fainting. For this reason my doctor has told me to stay at home laying down in the recovery position when I get them so I don’t pass out, vomit, and die. Well I don’t do that really because it would mean I’d have no life. So one day I wake up…
I am dressing up as Leia from the planet Hoth because I have a Star Wars obsessed family. There was even a family discussion about which movie we would choose our costumes from. My husband is Lando because, let’s face it, that was his only brown skinned choice from the original trilogy. My older son is Luke on the…
A friend of mine works on Beyonce’s law team. He/she (protecting my source here) told me this video was laughed over, encouraged by and enjoyed and supported in advance of its public release by Beyonce and Jay Z. (And then, of course, released on Tidal.) Apparently Beyonce has a pretty good sense of humour.
My wife’s moisturizer is full of the same stuff.
Mine is more like a half-lie, I kind of knew it was wrong but I also didn’t mean to start it. When I was 7?, I used to get this weekly kid magazine that had stories and games in it and usually some sort of crafting idea. One week the crafting idea was to make one of those dioramas in a shoebox that you peer into…
I was about to think to myself that I have never really lied— no about anything worth talking about anyways. and then I remembered I have parents and basically everything I ever said to them from 9th-12th grade was a damn lie. couple that stick out:
Gaga’s answer is totally legit: they are very different kinds of pop stars. Gaga is an actual musician and Madonna is a performer/entertainer. Gaga writes her own stuff while Madonna dances her butt off. People have opinions about whether one approach is more legit than the other (if either) just like they have…
Earth? I’d say Dr. Doom is a strong contender. If we’re talking intergalactically than Thanos obviously.
I mean, maybe. But a marriage to some rando, dating non-famous George Clooney, and engaged to Charlie Sheen before the booze and drugs caught up with him makes me think she was plenty interested in men, whatever her interest in women might be.