
yeah, i don’t disagree with you on the identity politics nightmare of the dem race right now at all, but it is still incredibly remarkable to me that david brooks pinpoints neither her record or her gender as the source of unlikability — and instead brings up the fact that she needs HOBBIES

This app will ruin a lot of fake friend relationships between Jocks and Nerds.

I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.

well yea that’s the point — if one of these two very different industries must require fingerprinting and licensing, then i wouldn’t pick strippers first

It’s a bogus argument that it’s a pain to get a fingerprint background check.

That doesn’t really hold water here in texas, every other gun range has a fingerprint service for around $20.

Except that’s really just the excuse, Uber’s using legal loopholes to fuck both their customers and their “contractors”, and in some cases they also fuck the cities they operate in for good measure (some cities restrict the availability of taxi licenses to control traffic, for instance), because libertarianism, and

As much as he talks about poop, Drew secretly knows things. It’s pretty weird.

When was the NFL draft fun?

This is probably the only shot from today’s draft that didn’t have 15,000 Marines or a bunch of youth league players who ain’t afraid of no concussions behind them.

I like the way you distinguish between sins of commission and sins of omission. Those two groups of sinners need each other to game the system, and each can blame the other for creating conditions of systemic injustice.

Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

“Fuck. So close.”

Watch out! It’s the revenge of the upper middle class educated middle-aged woman! Tell 'em girlfriend

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

I guess you should add “Learn Krav Maga” to that list.

“Say a 6-foot-5 athlete is now being hit by his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, who’s crazy and who’s harassing him, and she won’t stop. What would you do?”

Female ex-GOP here. When it’s how your entire worldview is informed from birth, “brain damaged” maybe isn’t quite as accurate as “brainwashed”.