
Just the graphic card on it's worth 2 xBox One. This Triple architecture can do 4.5 teraFLOPS with over 7.1 Billion transistors....not bad!!

HARDCORE GAMERS !!ONLY!! ...Everyone else, go to consoles

UUUHHH!! What are they removing (or not doing) that $49 represents?

hahahahahahahahahahaha! i deserve the bag over my head!


you think? I still cant see it!

Good to know, and excuse my ignorance!

Good stuff!! lol

Not sure why some of the villages are trying to mine what appears to be gold (upper section) while the rest are maybe going into battle. BUT, is it me or this box is in the air?

Really? I'm not trying to be condescending, it's reality - whether you accept that reality or not, it is there. I didn't make it an absolute either, I said most. (not like you did by saying that my remarks are "...just plain false").

In the nasty minds of most men, YES! W=meat. its just reality-sad-but yes....socially and biologicly thats what most men think

This is is an AWESOME! cause the deserves attention!

lol! that is a very interesting question! uuummmmm

lol! I hear ya! I'm doing some extra stuff this summer to make sure I finance it!

Thanks for the pointers! it's really the first time I ever blog! I will check your stuff too.


I agree. The cloud gaming revolution has been hindered by this Backpedaling Whimp-Pleasing decision by MS. They understand it and as a company are willing to wait to introduce the inevitable (the new Digital age) or found a much "easily digested" (for a lack of a better term) approach to move in this direction.

There is a mine full of "Dumb shit to rip on" jewels in there!!

Indeed sad!

Yeah, a bit different, but yes there were. I was actually ok with the inicial policies too, I'm all about innovation and trying new things. They changed it and some are happy, the HATERS have not changed their mine (and won't) and some like me know that MS will bring this Digital revolution to light eventually. Can't