honest eds sucked anyway

My husbands parents never told him he was adopted. His parents were also older but childless, about 41 & 43 when he was born. He was pretty sure he had it figured out because of a high school biology class about eye color. Both of his parents were blue but he’s brown/hazel. He later confirmed it with a cousin. And he

Understandable. Thanks, I was very curious, since it sounds like you do have some real reason to wonder. But I guess it’ll never matter until you have children!

I’ve thought about it but part me just really doesn’t want to know and I feel like my parents would take it really weirdly.

That means it is normal amongst intellectuals?

You’re a godsend. Truly.

I had no idea this was a thing. All of my idols are mentioned in that article. THANK YOU. I can go back to work Monday feeling like a fraud but in good company. Tina Fey? Emma Watson? Kate Winslet? I can do this.

I’ve never wanted to be anyone else. I think that makes me an egomaniac.

I worked at a bakery where we were required to wear name tags. Our snarky manager thought it was lame so he had a drawer full of randomly labeled tags which we would choose from. I tried to always be Francois.

I always pretended that I was actually adopted and had way cooler parents and was probably a princess (because OBVIOUSLY).

When I was about 13, I pretended to be a soon to be mother on a baby name message board. I really liked baby names at the time (girl names only, der), carefully maintaining lists for all my future children. This was back around 2001 so it was a very primitive message boards, but I was extremely active, becoming a top


I pretended to be straight for 20 years. Does that count?

Ugh my boobs look so huge and my hired car is already here so there’s just nothing I can do about it nooooooo what a bummer grr

Sure, that’s part of it. But I think the bulk of the problem is that universities are very good at catering in general. They’ve demonstrated in numerous ways (most of which are fundamentally unrelated to the specific issue detailed in this piece) that they are willing to sell off the long-standing principles of

It makes me wonder if there’s some internalized helicopter/ “special snowflake” parenting going on, too. “Someone said a thing I don’t like. I don’t know how to think outside of my tiny mindset and can’t solve my own problems! I don’t have to put up with that! I must eliminate the source of this discomfort, which is

The problem here is not feminism. It’s the rather new university atmosphere of caked-on “fear” rearing its ugly head. Instead of engaging others’ arguments, many people in the current collegiate generation have decided that claiming one has been placed in an “unsafe” environment by the “offending” ideas is a more

Another way that Buzzfeed is The Worst (my opinion, not the opinion of my employer, etc) is that it muddies the waters like this, to the point where you have to wonder if you’re reading sponsored ads on other sites. That shit’s fucked up!

Yes, Robs can be terrible. After my run in with one Rob in particular, my sister told me “Well, don’t associate with anyone whose name is a felony.”

Bianca. Seriously I have NEVER met a woman named Bianca who wasn’t full of herself. Every one I’ve ever met may as well been named bitch the way they acted. (Apologies to the 2 cool Biancas in the world, but man...)

Amber. All the Ambers.