honest eds sucked anyway

People who are against trigger warnings always seem like they don’t get the actual point. The actual point is about informed consent.

You *know* that a lot of the people in your classes or at your poetry reading or what-have-you have experienced trauma. Some of these traumas are unfortunately common.

So let people know

Thank goodness the Tyler clip isn’t vaguely incestuous.

This is tragic.

This is the creepiest fucking thing I’ve ever read.

I fully accept kangaroos and goats as therapy animals. All animals are therapeutic to me. Not sure that means I can take them in a restaurant with me though (at least until I buy that cat hoodie that’s making the rounds online today).

I want Jinger and Jana to move to NYC together. And do things like wear shorts and drink beer like common harlots.

Who finds unwanted sexual contact laughable, exactly?

They’re not even kissing. Lighten up, ffs.

I wondered if the girls in question included one or more of his sisters. And then whether they were urged to turn the other cheek. And then I got sad.

On the point of the gazzillion sisters, do the Duggars seem like they have room for lots of sleepovers? Who does it seem likely the five female minors were?

Yeah, I’m with you. I think that SAHMs should have their work acknowledged, and paying them is a decent way to do that. But the fact that is a fraction of his income and valued based on his determination bothers me.

I look quite beautiful in all of mine.

I understand that. Although I do wonder if it was a choice for their mothers. We can’t really know. Nonetheless, it isn’t about the babies who have already been born. These women are pawns that he’s making the center of something that has nothing to do with them and it’s gross.

Virgins who don’t feel like getting abandoned. After a certain point, being a virgin is “weird” and a lot of people don’t want to be involved with virgins. It can be easier to lay all your cards on the table up front. (This is coming from a gay person, so take it with a grain of salt)

Ok, honesty time. I couldn’t tell my partner how many people I’ve slept with because somewhere around my late 20s, I stopped counting. It’s not like it was so many that I couldn’t keep track, it just didn’t seem like important information to hold in my head.

for the love of all things holy, please do an article about all of the ways YOU CAN BE PREGNANT AND NOT KNOW. and then forbid the question everafter.

I promise you my mom has no clue what crowd sourcing is but I turned out fine.

I am going to go out on a limb here and I don’t mean this in a unkind way-but if the cognitive function of this couple is perhaps a little on the low end, I can see how this all lines up. It could also explain why they think raising a cat is similar to a baby, asking for $50k is reasonable etc. Maybe to them it all

What? How does that even make sense?

I said it before, I’ll say it again: The world fucking hates pregnant women and would be happy treating them like shit, unless it’s their own mother. Then she’s a queen!