honest eds sucked anyway

This is so fucked up on so many levels, not the least of reasons being that there is no regard for the CHILDRENS' safety in all of this.

It is egregious enough that they aren't considering her, but even if we set that aside for a second, how could it possibly be emotionally healthy for those children to be contacted

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

They bother you because you don't understand them, and because it gives you a reason to feel indignant. You would probably be bothered a lot more by recurrent diarrhea from untreated water, but your cognitive bias is to ignore the things you're protected from and worry about the things that have chemical-sounding

"There's a truly bizarre strain of anti-intellectualism running through both ends of the political spectrum, fostered by people who instinctively distrust anything beyond their immediate comprehension"

Similar story. Different man. Recent break up and the only reason he didn't trash the apt is I broke up with him in public and literally ran to my car, leaving him stranded in another city at least 30 mins away from our apt. Police were called and as my name alone was on the lease, he had to go. I had enough time to

I just saw it (for free, I had free tickets, gratis, no money, I can;t stress this enough), and yes, that's basically it. There was a lot of laughter - intended, because Dakota is funny, but also in verrrrry inappropriate places due to the inane dialogue (and yes, I was among those who laughed HARD, as I promised one

I like you. Come sit next to me.

From the reviews I've read it seems they make a big budget, well shot porno film where they take out 99% of the sex, but leave in all the shitty plot and dialogue you'd fast-forward through.

This is an aside, but the article brought up something I was wondering: Do people outside California know about the history of whites lynching hispanics in California? Do Californians? I thought it was well documented and widely taught, but a recent conversation makes me think otherwise.

It also seems to reinforce the idea that whites are the default humans. When they say people, they mean white ones.

Words and symbols are important, people, maybe because we, as a civilization, use them as the main vessels of our ideas and history. A cross is always charged with religious symbology, the same way a color is relevant. Sure, whites were the ones oppressing the Black Community, but by not using the word you are erasing

Sometimes I don't share the boring as fuck thoughts I have because I feel like a lunatic responding every time with "I'm thinking about lipstick." All of my thoughts are about lipstick. (I feel like a lunatic even writing that). Should I be having deep thoughts? I should probably be having deep thoughts.

I imagine his ex-wives' eyes rolled right out of their heads when they heard he was giving relationship advice.

Let's be real: If Jezebel hadn't of bothered to dig this shit from the bottom of the right-wing pits of the Internet, you would have never known or cared or been concerned.

Yeah, I read it and was wondering if there was a song called "Playboy" that I didn't know

I'm confused by the phrasing "cover Playboy." It sounds she's going to write an article about the magazine, not appear on the cover.

I like to walk into stores, say, "Big mistake. Huge." to the first sales person I see, then just walk out.

must change him to a cat

Does the personal shopping consultation include a Big Mistake moment, or is the "Don't Judge a Hooker by her Cover" package extra?

Do I get to bang on top of the downstairs lounge piano? Cuz I'm not into it unless I get to bang on top of the downstairs lounge piano.