honest eds sucked anyway

THANK YOU! Why are more people not apologizing for supporting a society in which women would report this right away and be able to get counseling and support? I mean I am sorry for these women and know they deserve better. They deserve apologies and to be believed and the right to feel safe.

I believe the other women, and I really hope that Janice has an original copy of that manuscript because that's about what it will take to shut down most of the voices decrying a lack of evidence or claiming this is a great conspiracy (whatever). If she has something she wrote years before the original settlement,

What about the other women. Do you mistrust them as well? Do you think the story in her book was the whole truth and she made the rest up later for attention?

I am depleted after reading that, so the thought of you living it just fills me with utter despair.

I got nothing at all to offer except a huge, loving internet hug for you Kat.

"(a)nything more than that is unacceptable." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. K.

Well, I was anemic when I was that age. Hell, I was five foot ten by the time I was fourteen. My folks weren't really sure how to treat me, because I was a ridiculoudly tall, rangy girl whose lips would turn blue because I was growing too fast for my iron levels to keep up. An anomaly.

I'll stop using "Mama" in reference to June if everyone else stops using "Dr." in reference to Phil.

On the other hand...

This comment confuses me because NO ONE is suggesting that as the correct solution.

Totally works. I'm strangely proud of her. It's a very peculiar feeling.

Internet: You should also fuck his sister to get back at him.

there's something in that picture that reminded me of this famous Renaissance image by Pollaiuolo.

"Hmm. Well, on one hand, he always takes the garbage out and he has great abs and we both love dogs, but, on the other hand, he's kind of fucking his sister a little bit. What should I do, internet?"

I also know they leave the house and meet for drinks and no one is asking them if they are a table of "dads on the loose," and to my knowledge, there is no "Daddy Juice" Wine.

Yes, there a ton of complicated reasons as to why and getting all shamey on choices in a nation where a shit ton of women have wholly inadequate access to prenatal ain't the way to go. It's a systemic issue.


He seems to have the religious part down cold. Buy him some healthy ingredients for cooking, or a card telling him how happy and proud you are of him, or a hat, Old guys dig hats.

And in 2007 she would have been around 19 years old.

I'm really happy about this.