
Somebody has to take a stand and do the right thing. All these millions being thrown at a bunch of entitled pricks and their delusional spectators?

15 million dollars for something that’s only used 8 times a year??? Please make the check out to My Dick.

Now playing

Killa Kill is 40? Dang. Been rocking with him since he was on Madden. Happy Birthday.

Tax revenue

Cool list, but calling kush or indo “names for marijuana” is like saying vodka is a good “name for alcohol.”

or Justin Bieber... any white girl will do.

Wow, why you hating on reefer?

Coughie...shout-out to Devin the Dude


That is a sickeningly incomplete list.

Hollywood is a strange place.

Anyone who works with the public knows that when drunks “lay a little knowledge” on you they’re usually being escorted out of the building by security.

I love LA people. Dude’s stoked.

“Apparently they frown upon open bottles of vodka.”

Kicked out for a few drinks? Bullshit. Absolut travesty.

The future of our country is pretty chill.

I would add that he’s also way more likable than Jonah Hill. And has better on-camera presence. And is more pleasant to look at. And is more talented.

I thought I was fucking clever. The comments section have proven that wrong. At least I’m smarter than all those 1990’s idiots.

I’m calling bullshit right now. He clearly picked it up off the ground, stuffed it in his beer, and then didn’t even pound the whole thing. I’d call it embarrassing all the way around.